We are re-opening to a new normal: What that means!
We can’t thank our patrons enough for your patience and support as we’ve worked to add services safely! Here are a few things you should know before you come inside on June 29:
Fast and easy curbside service will remain available. Returns will only be accepted in the outdoor drop boxes, not at the circulation desk. All returns will continue to be quarantined for four days before being returned to the shelves. Computers will be cleaned between uses, and all surfaces will be regularly disinfected throughout the day.
Some seating and workstations, as well as shared toys and kits, have been removed to ensure social distancing. Water fountains and all but two restrooms are also closed. Meeting room use, interlibrary loan, in-person programs, and donation acceptance are suspended until further notice. Patrons are encouraged to distance from each other, to keep library visits to 30 minutes or less when possible, and to place handled items on designated tables for disinfection rather than returning them to the shelves.
Hand sanitizer, gloves, and a limited supply of masks are available for patron use. Staff will continue to wear masks at work, and some assistance may be limited if it cannot be provided from a safe distance. GED testing will resume July 7. Additional signage throughout the building will provide more details when you arrive.
We have missed all of our wonderful patrons, and can’t wait to see your smiling faces again!